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Date: 2018-08-31
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National and Organizational Culture

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Theory of Bureaucracy (Max Weber)

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Functional Organizational Structure

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SWOT Analysis

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Backward and Forward Integration

Resources currently available:

Management and Leadership Production Managemet
Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y What is Lean Manufacturing?
Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership What is 5S Production?
Max Weber’s three types of authority What is Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)?
Kurt Lewin's Leadership Styles Kanban Inventory System
What is Blake & Mouton's Managerial Grid? JIDOKA
What is Paternalistic Leadership? What is Concurrent Engineering?
What is the Situational Leadership Theory? Mass Customization Production
What is William Ouchi’s Theory Z of Leadership? What is the Learning Curve?
What are Henri Fayol's 5 functions of management? What are the Seven Types of Waste? (MUDA)
Business Strategy Accounting
What are Michael Porter's 5 forces? Return on Investment (ROI)
Howard Perlmutter: Internationalization of Multinational Corporations Return on Assets (ROA)
Global strategies for MNCs: Christopher A. Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal Return on Equity (ROE)
What is the Balanced Scorecard? Return on Sales (ROS)
What is the PESTEL Framework? Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
What is the BCG Matrix? Contribution Margin and Contribution Margin Ratio
What is a SWOT analysis? Asset Turnover
What is Michael Porter's Value Chain? Inventory Turnover
What is Michael Porter's Diamond Model? Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio
What is Michael Porter's Generic Strategy Model? Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio
What is a Diversification Strategy? Financial Budgets (Profit & Loss)
What is Related Diversification? What is ABC Costing? (Activity Based Costing)
What is Unrelated Diversification Strategy? What is Full Costing?
What is a Blue Ocean Strategy? What is Target Costing?
What is Supply Chain Management? What is Controlling?
Supply Chain Management: Upstream Activities  
Supply Chain Management: In-house Activities  
Supply Chain Management: Downstream Activities  
Backward and Forward Integration  
Human Resource Organizational Theory
Frederick Herzberg's Motivation and Hygiene Factors What is Contingency Theory?
What is Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Jay R. Galbraith: Information Processing View
Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory (VIE-model) Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy
What is the Hawthorne Effect? Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizational Structure (Contingency Theory)

What is Transaction Cost Theory?

  What is a Simple Organizational Structure?
  What is a Functional Organizational Structure?
  What is a Divisional Organizational Structure?
  What is a Matrix Structure?
  What is Scientific Management (Frederick Winslow Taylor)
  What are Henri Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management?
  What is Bounded Rationality? Herbert A. Simon
National and Organizational Culture Marketing
What are Geert Hofstede's 5 Cultural Dimensions? Marketing Mix
What are Fons Trompenaar's Cultural Dimensions? What are the 4 p's of marketing?
Edgar H. Schein's Model of Organizational Culture What is a Market Segmentation Analysis? (Market Positioning)
National Culture Vs. Organizational Culture What is Relationship Marketing? (Customer Retention Tactics)
Organizational Culture: An Informal Control Mechanism  
Important Business Terms Green Business
Annual Report Green Strategy: Winners of the Future
Competitive Advantage  
Core Competencies  
Economies of Scale  
Environmental Scanning  
Inco Terms  
Invisible Hand  
Lead Time  
Predatory Pricing  
Statistical Process Control  
Strategic Alliances  
Strategic Group Mapping  
Time to Market (TTM)  
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)  


































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